Here is my class:
It is great to get to know these men and to interact with them. I am encouraged by their desire to learn, their insight, and their questions! It is so good to be able to learn along with them.
They will be preaching through the book of Jonah next week, so today I assigned them the task of deciding what the big idea of the book is, and also to break down the book into the parts that they will each preach. It will be fun to work this through with them. It is amazing how patient God is with such a "high maintenance" prophet! It gives me hope...
I am processing through questions my students have raised that we will explore together over the days ahead. One of the questions is how to preach texts like Proverbs 6:6-11. This passage is heavy on the obligation to work hard ("Consider the ant, you sluggard!"). That is true, yet the question is what makes it a Christian sermon? Where is the Gospel? While giving priority to this passage and letting it speak, what is the right way to make sure that people don't leave with a load of guilt on their shoulders? I'll share more later what we learn...
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